Kirby Morgan® Balanced Scuba 1st Stage Regulator

Kirby Morgan® Balanced Scuba 1st Stage Regulator

The uniquely shaped exhaust whisker diverts exhaust bubbles away from the diver’s field of vision. This scuba regulator’s overall breathing performance is outstanding and easily exceeds all European CE requirements when used with the Kirby Morgan® CE approved first stage regulator (P/N 305-161) or other CE approved first stage regulators (those with a minimum intermediate […]

HM300 Light or Camera Bracket for Kirby Morgan® Helmets & BandMasks

These stainless steel Helmet Brackets are suitable for mounting either Cameras or Lights to Kirby Morgan® diving helmets and BandMasks. These brackets are mounted to the Port Retainer using the Plug Screw which does not screw into a Port Retainer Insert.  Contact us today for information about new Commercial Diving Equipment, Used Commercial Diving Equipment and/or Kirby Morgan Helmets!

HM300 Light or Camera Bracket for Kirby Morgan® Helmets & BandMasks

HM300 Light or Camera Bracket for Kirby Morgan® Helmets & BandMasks

These stainless steel Helmet Brackets are suitable for mounting either Cameras or Lights to Kirby Morgan® diving helmets and BandMasks. These brackets are mounted to the Port Retainer using the Plug Screw which does not screw into a Port Retainer Insert.  Contact us today for information about new Commercial Diving Equipment, Used Commercial Diving Equipment and/or Kirby Morgan Helmets!

Kirby Morgan® Overpressure Relief Valve Rebuild Kit

Kirby Morgan® P/N 225-017 The overpressure relief valve (P/N 200-017) should be disassembled, cleaned, and inspected at least once a year, anytime the valve fails monthly lift testing, or fails to maintain a seal when within the specified range. Below (in blue) is a link to a KMDSI document showing what parts are included in […]

Kirby Morgan® P/N 560-300 Zinc Whisker Anode

Replace anodes when deterioration interferes with proper fitting or when anodes become loose fitting. Do not paint or coat zincs as this will negate the anodes functionality. Ensure good metal to metal contact when installing the kit and for the duration of the anode kits implementation, failure to do so will render the kit ineffective. […]

Kirby Morgan® Side Block Rebuild Kit (Fiberglass Helmets & KMB18/28 BandMasks)

Below (in blue) is a link to a KMDSI document showing the parts that are included in Kirby Morgan’s Side Block Rebuild Kit for Fiberglass Helmets & KMB18/28 BandMasks:   P/N 525-311 Reseller Restriction This item is reseller restricted. Call us at 206-784-5050 or email to purchase. Images of Kirby Morgan Helmets, Masks, or logos are registered trademarks… […]

Kirby Morgan® Side Block Rebuild Kit (Fiberglass Helmets & KMB18/28 BandMasks)

Kirby Morgan® Side Block Rebuild Kit (Fiberglass Helmets & KMB18/28 BandMasks)

Below (in blue) is a link to a KMDSI document showing the parts that are included in Kirby Morgan’s Side Block Rebuild Kit for Fiberglass Helmets & KMB18/28 BandMasks:   P/N 525-311 Reseller Restriction This item is reseller restricted. Call us at 206-784-5050 or email to purchase. Images of Kirby Morgan Helmets, Masks, or logos are registered trademarks… […]

2021 Authorized Kirby Morgan® Dealer Certificate

Kirby Morgan Dive Systems - Certified Dealer 2021 Dive Commercial is proud to display our 2021 Authorized Kirby Morgan Dive Systems Inc. Dealer, Certificate. If the person/company you're buying your KMDSI products from cannot show you their 2021 Authorized KMDSI Dealer Certificate, you could be buying counterfeit (unsafe) parts. Ask to see the Certificate before purchasing any KMDSI helmets, masks, parts, kits or [...]